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AGIP Novecento Racing 10W-60 is an engine lubricant that collects the experience and
knowledge acquired in the lubricants sector from Eni research in many decades. It is a top
synthetic lubricant aimed at the high performance classic cars engaged in sport events on the
road and on track
• The particular viscosimetric characteristics of the product allow achieving suitable viscosity
values in a wide temperature range
• The raw materials present in the formulation have been carefully selected to give the
product a remarkable resistance to the high mechanical stresses to which it is subject
during the sport events
• The additives present in formulation, resulting from Eni research, offer greater protection
and reduction of the effects linked to wear phenomena
Properties Method Unit Typical
Density at 15°C ASTM D 4052 kg/m³ 856
Viscosity at 100°C ASTM D 445 mm²/s 23.4
Viscosity at 40°C ASTM D 445 mm²/s 165
Viscosity Index ASTM D 2270 – 172
Viscosity at -25°C ASTM D 5293 mPa·s 6800
Flash point COC ASTM D 92 °C 230
Pour point ASTM D 97 °C -27
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